Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Field Trip to Marshal

When we got to Marshal's student center and went in they had tables set up. This one table was talking about gases, I didn't stay there long. I went outside and one of the tents had an owl and i think three eagles. There was this one table and she had like bottles of glass and she makes stuff out of them, like one of the bottles was smashed in the middle and it had a flower design. She made one that looked like a ash tray. I went and saw the pets, they had a snake,dogs,a farit,fire dragon,and two rabits. At this one table they had paint and you could paint your foot and put it on this big poster and then you could sign up for something to win some toms, the shoes, but I didn't sing up. These guys was giving out hotdogs and man they was good. I wanted to paint a flower pot and put a flower in it but my friends didn't want to go over there and let me do it.