Friday, March 29, 2013

Coal Camps- Kaymoor

 Its located south of New River Gorge in Fayetteville, West Virginia. The mine property was purchased in 1873 by Abiel Abbot Low. Named after James Kay. The communities in our count are those provided by the 2000 Census, so keep in mind that our population rings will only include the people living in those communities. Smaller communities usually don't participate directly in the Census and therefore they won't be included. While our count is a close approximation, it shouldn't be considered as a complete or accurate count. The mine exploited the New River Coalfield's Sewell Seam of "smokeless" low-volatile bituminous coal, while the town site was accessible only by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad's mainline in the Gorge. Fifty houses were built in 1901, followed by 45 in 1902 and 17 in 1905.  A suburb, called New Camp, was built in 1918-1919 with another 19-24 houses, and represents the only extant town site remaining. By 1952 Kaymoor Bottom had been abandoned, and in 1960 most of its structures were destroyed by fire. Both inclines operated until 1962. All of the beehive ovens closed in the 1930s, as they had become obsolete.

Surface Mining

Strip Mining is used when coal is near the surface or when the overburden is unstable. As the mining progresses the overburden is placed in the previous mine coal. Contour Mining is a type of sttrip or surface mining followa the contour of a hill or mountain leaving terraces in the mountainside. Mountaintop Removel tops of hills are removed to access horizontal coal seams. Overburden is pushed to areas between high elevations. Following reclamation, the original contour is not restored. This is the most controversial mining method.

strip mine
Shrip Mining
advantages -Filling the adjacent empty pits with the overburden is systemic to the process and therefore insures the genesis of mined-land land reclamation.
disadvantages- Pollution.

Contour Mining

Mountaintop removal at Oven Fork, near WhitesburMountaintop removal at Oven Fork, near Whitesburg (Letcher County, KY)
Mountaintop Removel
advantages-safer for the miners to surface mine and that using coal is a clean source of energy.
disadvantages-severely detrimental to the environment and the communities that surround the mining sites.



Thursday, March 14, 2013

underground mining

The drift mining is possible where the coal seam intersects the surface. It enters the seam in a horizontal direction following the coal. Shaft mining is a common method accessing a coal seam in which elevators provide access to mines. The room and pillar mining is nearly half the coal is left behind to support the mine roof. The pillars can squeeze and put pressure on adjacent pillars leading to roof collapse. Continuous mining machines can be used with drift or room and pillar mines. One miner can operate a contintuous miner to a rotating steel drum with tungsten carbide teeth to mine 5 tons of coal per minute. Longwall mining or retreat mining is highly efficient. The huge mining machines support the roof with hydraulics as it removes coal. When the coal is remover the machine retreats allowing the roof to fall behind it. Longwall mines extract much more of the coal than room and pillar mines.

advantages-well-drained, required less machinery and less initial effort. Its easy way to mine, its a cheap way to mine.
disadvantages-its not the safest way to mine as the tunnels may collase killing and trapping miners.
   Shaft Mining
advantages-that mining can be done as deep as possible and that it reduces the rock bursts or mines from falling off the ground.
disadvantages-it cost too much.

 Room and Pillar Mining
advantages-this cycle maximizes face utilization.
disadvantages-there is no face-to-face shift handover.

   Continuous Mining
advantages-flexibility and its adaptability to various mining conditions.
disadvantages-complexities, its inability to clean up adequately while advancing the face and its slow mining rate, a function of its small area of face attack.

advantages-safety of the miners enhanced by being under the hydraulic roof supports when they are extracting coal.
disadvantages-surface subsidence, which may considerably alter the landscape above the mine which can damage natural or man-made structures or features



Monday, March 11, 2013

coal formation

It forms from the remainings of swamp plant from 300-400 million. Which dead plants became burried in the swamp. Peat slowing decaying plant matter found in bogs, moors, and mustegs. When acidic and anacrobic conditions prevent complete decay. Heat value of peat is very low- compared to coal. Lignite sometimes called "brown coal". Its found in Alaska and some Western States. Low carbon concentration (30%) and low heat value (< 10,000 BTU/lb). Used in electric power generation. Bituminous Coal is most common form of coal. The carbon value is highly variable (45-85%) and heat value ranges from 10,000-15,000 BTU/lb. Anthracite Coal result from the metamorphosis of bituminous coal. The highest carbon content (85-95%) and heat value (15,000 BTU/lb). Low smoke and high heat values make anthracite popular for human heating in the northeastern U.S. Coke primarily used as a heat source in the steel industry. Water, tar, and other volatiles are driven off to leave high carbon fuel. The by-products of coking are collected for energy production.