Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Aerosols or particulates are fine particles in the air and can either be solid or a liquid aerosol. They are formed from a wide variety of natural and anthropocentric sources like biomass burning, incomplete combustion like black carbon, soil dust and sea salts. These are not good for the climate and can cause changes like an extreme precipitation change. We use aerosols around the house every day that are not harmful, but other aerosols can really affect our lives. If there are more aerosols on the clouds and are reflecting the suns heat it can lead to world global cooling.

At ground level, ozone is an air pollutant that damages human health, vegetation, many common materials, and is a key ingredient of smog. Ozone is the gas present in the atmosphere which has capacity to protect the living beings on the earth from the ultraviolet rays from the sun that are harmful. Ozone has the same chemical structure (O3) whether it occurs miles above the earth or at ground level. At ground level, "bad" ozone is formed when certain compounds react in the presence of direct sunlight. Ozone may aggravate chronic lung diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis and reduce the immune system's ability to fight off bacterial infections in the respiratory system

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Summary- Atmosphere Power Point

Solar energy as radiation is nearly 150 million kilometers separate the sun and earth and it drives earth’s weather. Earth’s atmosphere is 99% atmospheric gases, including water vapor, extend only 30 kilometers (km) above earth’s surface. Atmosphere gases include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, water vapor, and carbon dioxide are invisible. Variable and increasing gases; nitrogen and oxygen concentrations experience little change but carbon dioxide methane and oxides of nitrogen are greenhouse gases experiencing increasing in concentrations C02 have raised more than 18%. Atmospheric Greenhouse affects the warming of the atmosphere by absorbing and emitting infrared radiation and allowing shortwave infrared radiation to pass through. The main gases responsible for the greenhouse effect are water vapor and carbon dioxide. Aerosols are human and natural activities displace tiny soil salt and ash particles as suspended aerosols. Pollution are sulfur and nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons are emitted as pollution. Lapse rate is the rate at which air temperature decreases with height. In average lapse rate in the lower atmosphere is about 6.5 degrees (*) per 1 km or 3.6 *f per 1000ft. Urban heat island effect occurs when a metropolitan area is warmer than the surrounding rural areas. UHI effect is caused primarily by modification of land surfaces in developments that use materials that retain heat. The cloud triangle: Clouds can be defined by: Their shape & form: The cloud base altitude: If they are precipitating. Air pressure: Warm air-expanding or rising: Air-leaves behind L pressure: Cold air-sinking air=leaves an H pressure. Wind movement uneven heat of the earth’s surface causes some areas to be warmer than others.  Warm always follows cold to share its warmth- when this happens in the atmosphere, wind happens. Pressure, wind and weather, the winds are horizontal flows of air; winds blow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Pressure describes the tendency of the air to rise or to sink at any given place or time. Humidity measure of the amount of water vapor stuck between molecules in the air and the airs ability to hold water depends on the air temperature. Relative humidity amount of water vapor (%) compared to the amount the air can hold and 100%= air is saturated.

Friday, October 12, 2012


What is surface temperature? How does ozone both enable life on Earth and threaten it? How does the surface ozone form?  How does the surface ozone affect health?  
Ozone occurs naturally in Earth’s atmosphere wherever sunlight or chemical reactions break apart oxygen molecules. The ozone layer protects Earths inhabitants from the harmful rays of the sun. It’s harmful because it can break down and leave gaps through the ozone and this allows harmful rays through to the Earth’s surface. It is a product of air pollution, also called smog.  Breathing ozone can trigger a variety of health problems including chest pain, coughing, throat irritation, and congestion. It can worsen bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma. Ground level ozone also can reduce lung function and inflame the linings of the lungs. Repeated exposure may permanently scar lung tissue. The VOC is made up of  volatile organic compounds. For example paints, varnishes, wax, fuels, cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetic, degreasing, and hobby products. The NOx made of nitrogen oxide gases. Also a group of highly reactive gases. The reaction of VOC and NOx forms surface ozones.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Relationship

Well me and my boyfriend has be dating for a year. We have already broke up twice cause one he didn't go to homecoming with me and it made me so mad and i was like looking stupid cause everybody was asking about where he was, second time is when we was suppose to hang out and he went and chilled with his friend and he told me that we was haning out. I thought well if you want to hang with your friends you should tell me before its our day to hang out. I mean really your going to ditch me for your friends. But after all that we have been throw were doing great well kinda. He works a lot and its hard to see him cause he's always working and he don't have a phone and it sucks. We don't fight but we sometimes agrue. He don't like me hanging out with my guys friends and i told him that i hate hanging with girls and trust me i ain't going to try anything with my boys and i aint going to let them try anything on me and i mean it. I love hanging out with him and i can't wait till i get out of school.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hanging with your guy friends

Ok so if your a girl and you hang out with guys there's nothing thing wrong about that. Like me i hang out with boys all the time and i don't care if people say I'm a whore and stuff cause I'm chilling with your boyfriend don't mean I'm a whore and its not my fault that your dude wants to hang out with me and not you. My guy friends are only in the friend zone and they ain't ever getting in to the relationship zone. Girls are to much drama and i can't stand it and with boys there chilled and laid back but i understand if your guy friend try's to do something with you but you should be the person to say "naw we can only be friends and don't be trying anything cause we will not be friends". Well I'm done with this.
Later :)